March 2, 2022

Mobile Windshield Repair in Edmonton

Well, it’s hump day. Today wasn’t too busy and it wasn’t too slow either.

When a customer books online the night before, I always like to ask how they found me.

Most of the time they find me on Google.

It just so happens that one of my customers today had booked his appointment online late last night. I asked him how he found me.

He said he was on Google looking for a mobile windshield repair service and found my company.

He then said that before booking an appointment, he went and read some of my Google reviews.

It so happens that he knew two people who had left me a review. Wow. Small world!

Needless to say, he booked an appointment online for his rock chip repair today.

The rock chip was fairly small but it was on an expensive BMW windshield. Best to repair it now before it spreads out and costs him more money.

rock chip in windshield before repair

I start with my regular repair routine while chit chatting with the customer. He told me that he really liked the business model. I thanked him and we kept chatting about windshield repair, businesses and some other entrepreneur small talk.

The customer got the rock chip last night and parked his vehicle inside his garage right after. This made it a fairly simple repair.

The chip filled in nice and both the customer and I were pleased with the end result.

rock chip in windshield after repair

I cleaned up my work area and gave the customer a business card and some stickers. Then I made my way to my next appointment.

If you live in Edmonton and are in need of a windshield chip repair for your vehicle, do not hesitate to contact my mobile windshield chip repair company.

If you missed yesterday’s blog post, you can catch up here.

All the best!

– Zach Rodgers

Owner @ Dynamo Windshield Repair

Don't wait, book your appointment today!

100% money-back guarantee if your windshield rock chip repair doesn’t work.